How to Reach Goba Guest House from Leh
Leh to Goba Guest House Nubra driving distance is approximately 126 Kilometers. It takes approximately 3 hours and 57 minutes to reach Goba Guest House from Leh. Check out How to reach Goba Guest House from Leh. .
- Take Khardung La Road to Diskit - Turtok Highway in Diskit. It is a 2 hours and 58 minute journey and covers approximately 118 kilometers journey.
- 1) Head to north-east. It is roughly 1.3 kilometers drive.
- 2) Then take slight left at the monument. It is approximately 300 meters drive.
- 3) Then take slight right. It is approximately 800 meters drive..
- 4) Then turn left onto Khardung La Road. It is approximately 6.3 kilometers drive.
- 5) Then turn right to stay on Khardung La Road (Pass by BRO Garage on the left in 30.8 km). It is approximately 82.9 kilometers drive.
- 6) Then turn left. It is roughly 2.3 kilometers drive.
- 7) Then turn right. It is roughly 6.2 kilometers drive.
- 8) Then turn slight left. It is roughly 16.5 kilometers drive.
- Continue on Diskit - Turtok Hwy. Drive to Kayok Rd in Hunder 20 min (9.1 km)
- 9) Continue onto Diskit - Turtok Highway. It is roughly 6.6 kilometers.
- 10) Then turn right onto Hunder Road. It is approximately 400 meters drive.
- 11) Then turn left to stay Hunder Road.It is approximately 400 meters drive.
- 12) Then turn right towords Kayok road.It is approximately 450 meters drive.
- 13) Then go Straight continue onto Kayok Road. It is approximately 1.2 kilometers